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Summer; What Summer?

Blizzard Ottawa.JPG

The lovely weather this week got me to thinking about winter....go figure. I am sure you were cursing the thermometer as well. Like it or not; winter is coming. And soon after winter comes in Ottawa, so does the holiday season. What do renovators hate more than is the dreaded holiday completion deadline. Standard question - "We are hosting our family this year for the holidays, will you finish in time?".....What we would like to say - "Of course we can, we will just have to go back in time and start this whole process 2 months earlier."

If you are considering a renovation and you would like to complete it by any deadline, let alone the stressful, everyone is busy, everyone checks out around December 17th, vendors shutting down, materials not available, pulling my hair out, freakin' holidays.....then you should start way before you think you have to. If you are considering a significant renovation, that might involve design, material selections, planning, then give yourself a reasonable amount of time to do things properly. You know the old saying....Fail to Plan; Plan to Have Your Renovation Go Completely Down the Drain. Or something like that. If you start construction without proper design, planning, project management, will fail .....and your family will say things like...."Are you going to have lights?" or " I didn't know that plywood flooring is in."

Point being; if you are considering any renovation this fall, make the call. Now. Today. Please.

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